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Showing posts from January, 2021

Analysis of female hand in palmistry || Palm Reader || Royal palmistry

It is said that the right hand is seen in women and the left hand is seen in men because the right hand belongs to men and fatherhood, and the right hand belongs to women and motherhood. ( click and read secret of palmistry ?  But in Palmistry, the gender has been ignored. The hand that is constantly used belongs to the human future that changes from time to time and after the experience, just as the left hand describes the past events and happenings of the human past. Do you want to read rare and auspicious luck sign in your palm then click it and enjoy to read the amazing signs in your palm also check it whether it is in your hand or not.  There are many types of lines in your palm. Some of which I will explain in this article. I am a palmistry guide and reader so I will guide you with complete details. Sorry if you don't like something but I will guide you on my 15 years of experienc palmistry guide. And in every one of my articles, I will t...

God Gifted Money Signs in a Palm || 10 Effects of Square sign in Palm || Royal Palmistry

Square sign is a very good and positive sign in a palm. If there is a negative sign in a palm and a square sign is near it, it reduces the negative effects and protects the person from dangers. ( Do you want to read palmistry meaning  , analysis of female hand, and rare auspicious luck sign in palm then click the given link and read it. ) Having the square sign in hand is very lucky for this person. If the square in the hand is also present on the mount, its positive effects are in his life. If you do not know the 8 mount of the hand, then click on the given link and read in detail. 10 Effects of Square Sign in Palm: Square on Jupiter mount Square on Saturn mount Square on Sun mount Square on Mercury mount Square on Moon mount Square on Venus mount Square on Mars Square on Life line Square on Head line Square on Fate line 1: Square on Jupiter mount: If you have a square sign on Jupiter mount in your hand, it is a very good sign, it means th...

Need Two Minutes to Read 8 Types of Head Line ( Wisdom Line) in palm || Royal Palmistry|| Palmistry Guide

Head line is also called wisdom and intelligent line. In palm reading the head line is the second main line. This line starts in our hand between the index finger and the thumb. The head line is near the first main line in a palm that is life line. If you want to read in detail about the 12 types of life line then click on the given link and read it. The head line in our hands play very important role in our life. It can provide information about the wisdom, belief, attitude, thinking ability, self_control and memory of this person. (Do you want to read 15 simple but complete guide of marriage line in your palm then click the given link and read it.) Types of Head Line: Length of head line Bending degree of head line Connection between head, and heart line Connection between head, and life line Double head line Fork at head line Different symbols on head line Broken head line 1: Length of head line: There are three types of length in head ...

Quick Guide of 7 Bad Sign in a Palm || Royal Palmistry|| Palmistry Guide

Would you like to know, you have a bad sign in your hand? Friends, just as there are good signs in your hand, there are also bad signs in your hand. In this article, I will tell you all the bad signs in a palm .  First of all if friends you don't know what palmistry then click on the given link and read in detail Palmistry meaning. 7 Bad signs in palm: Ring of Saturn Downward branches on life line Black spots on main line Grills on palm Chained on main line Island on main line Breaks on main line 1: Ring of Saturn: First of all i will tell you what is Ring of Saturn? A short semi circle line located at the mount of Saturn, or a short semi circle line is present in the base of middle finger. Do you want to read the name and working of the fingers then click the given link and read it in detail. If someone has such a ring of Saturn in his hand, then this sign is not good for this person, it means that he will never be able to enjoy his life. It is an ina...

How to Know Top 13 Signs of Sudden or Unnatural Death Indication in Palm Reading|| Palmistry Guide|| Royal Palmistry

There is no doubt that there is no line in hand that allows us to know of someone's death. But there are some signs in the hand by which even a palm read can predict the Sudden or Unnatural Death of a human being such as the line of life, mount of mars and saturn which indicates sudden death, accident, murder, suicide, death from disease, heart attack etc. Do you want to read Palmistry meaning then click the given link and read Palmistry meaning. In this article I will tell you the different signs of Sudden or Unnatural death so that you can estimate the death of a person by looking at his hand. How to analysis female hand in palmistry? Click and read it.  Top 13 Signs of Sudden or Unnatural death: Life line is too short Suddenly broken life line Black spot on life line Black spot on head line Black spot on heart line Star at the beginning of life line Life line is yellow Life line is thin and unclear Black spot on moon mount Life line is enter to Venus mount Cros...

One Skill Required 5 minutes in Palm Reading For Beginners|| Royal Palmistry || Palmistry Guide

Palmistry means study of palm. In this way, palm reading includes hand structure, shape of fingers, color of hand, different mount on hand, main lines of hand, etc. If you do not know what is the meaning of palmistry then click the give link and read Palmistry meaning. Today 21st century where there are many people who believe good and bad luck and palm reading . They believe that Palmistry will help reading their lives, and it is aware of many secrets in their life. ( how to analysis female hand in palmistry? Click and read it.  In this article I will tell you everything about palm reading in which we will learn in detail about some of the main lines and their working in our lives. Palm Reading For Beginners: Aspect of Palmistry  Reading hand Color of hand Fingers of hand Main lines on palm 1: Aspect of palmistry: According to palm reading for beginners there are four aspects of Palmistry: Family background Relationship between pare...

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Quick Guide of Sun Line in palmistry: 12 Lines of Fame, Wealth, and Luck Line || Royal Palmistry || Palmistry Guide

Friends, do you want to know if your luck will support you in your life or will you ever become rich? In answer to many such questions, I will explain in this article by looking at just one line that is in your hand which is called Sun line or Apollo line in palmistry . Do you want to read rare and auspicious luck sign in your pslm? Click it and check these luck sign in your hand and what is the affects in your future?  The Sun line or Apollo line in palmistry is a very important line in palm reading. This line is present in our hand sun mount. If you do not know where we have sun mount, click on the given link and read in detail 8 mounts in our hand.  The sun line is located below our ring finger i.e. Apollo finger hence it is also called Apollo line. The sun line is also called the line of success because it tells us about our capability talent and popularity. The sun line also has a sister line which we also call the fate line. If the...

9 Rare and Auspicious luck Signs in Palm, You Need To Know luck sign In 2022||Royal Palmistry||Palmistry Guide

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How To Know The 9 Types Of Love marriage lines or sign on your palm| Palmistry guide | Royal Palmistry

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