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Analysis of female hand in palmistry || Palm Reader || Royal palmistry

It is said that the right hand is seen in women and the left hand is seen in men because the right hand belongs to men and fatherhood, and the right hand belongs to women and motherhood. ( click and read secret of palmistry ?  But in Palmistry, the gender has been ignored. The hand that is constantly used belongs to the human future that changes from time to time and after the experience, just as the left hand describes the past events and happenings of the human past. Do you want to read rare and auspicious luck sign in your palm then click it and enjoy to read the amazing signs in your palm also check it whether it is in your hand or not.  There are many types of lines in your palm. Some of which I will explain in this article. I am a palmistry guide and reader so I will guide you with complete details. Sorry if you don't like something but I will guide you on my 15 years of experienc palmistry guide. And in every one of my articles, I will t...

Quick Guide of Sun Line in palmistry: 12 Lines of Fame, Wealth, and Luck Line || Royal Palmistry || Palmistry Guide

Friends, do you want to know if your luck will support you in your life or will you ever become rich? In answer to many such questions, I will explain in this article by looking at just one line that is in your hand which is called Sun line or Apollo line in palmistry. Do you want to read rare and auspicious luck sign in your pslm? Click it and check these luck sign in your hand and what is the affects in your future? 

The Sun line or Apollo line in palmistry is a very important line in palm reading. This line is present in our hand sun mount. If you do not know where we have sun mount, click on the given link and read in detail 8 mounts in our hand. The sun line is located below our ring finger i.e. Apollo finger hence it is also called Apollo line.

The sun line is also called the line of success because it tells us about our capability talent and popularity.

The sun line also has a sister line which we also call the fate line. If there is no sun line in one's hand or this line is weak and fate line is deep and strong then this person gets success after some difficulties but if fate line is weak in one's hand and sun line is deep and strong then this man never face any difficulties, his luck will supports him all the time. Do you want to analysis the female hand in palmistry? Click it and enjoy. 

Types of Sun Line or Apollo Line in palmistry:

  1. Absent, short, and narrow sun line
  2. Clear sun line
  3. Sun line start from Moon mount
  4. Sun line start from head line
  5. Sun line start from center of the hand
  6. Sun line start from heart line
  7. Sun line start from Venus mount
  8. Sun line start from fate line
  9. Sun line start from life line
  10. Double or multiple sun line
  11. Sun line parallel to fate line
  12. Different Signs on sun line

1: Absent, short, and narrow sun line:

If a person does not have a sun line in his hand, it does not matter how hard he tries, he will never succeed in this world.

If the sun line in a person's hand is small, it means that this person will enjoy his life in the world, but he will enjoy an ordinary life without name or fame during the whole life. ( If you want to read Palmistry lines on your then click the given link and read 11 main palm line in your hand.)

If you have a narrow sun line in your hand, it means that you will keep ups and down for the rest of your life and you will face many difficulties in your married life. You will have many difficulties in your youthful life but you will succeed in old age. Do you want to read love marriage sign in your palm? Click it and read. 

2: Clear sun line:

If a person has a deep straight and clear sun line in his hand, then this sign is very good, it means that this person will get everything in life without any hard work.  Name, fame, wealth, whoever desires will get it. Clear sun line indicates a good taste of arts and literature. (If you want to read marriage lines in your hand then click the given link and read different types of marriage lines.)

3: Sun line start from Moon Mount:

There are two types of sun line

  • Start from Moon mount and end at sun mount
  • Start from Moon mount and end at head line

If the sun line starts from the moon mount and reaches the straight and deep at the sun mount, then this sign is very good, it means that this person will succeed in every task. It may be auspicious. It's means a good luck in wealth and marriage. The person who has a Sun Line in such a man's hand is very famous in his friends, and family and they have a lot of wealth. Click 5 good luck sign after marriage and enjoy to read it. 

In some hands the Sun Line is starting from Moon mount and reaching the head line. This means that man will get a lot of success in his youth. But then slowly it will reduce success. The biggest reason will be that he/she will leave the work hard. That's why his luck will not support him and face many difficulties in achieving the success after 35 years.

4: Sun line start from the head line:

People who have the sun line in their hands starting from the mind or head line and reaching the sun mount are very intelligent. Their brain works very fast. They can easily perform the most difficult tasks using their brains.

They are smart enough to make great achievement. If his or her head line is strong, they will get great success more easily.

5: Sun line start from the center of the hand:

If any one whose sun line starts from the middle of the hand and reaches the sun mount, it means that the childhood of this person will go through a lot of difficulties.  Anyone who has such a sun line is late in doing everything. These people only succeed after their middle age.

6: Sun line start from heart line:

If the sun line is start from the heart line and reaches the sun mount, it means that this person has a very strong interest in art. It also means that your luck will support you all the time and you will get both wealth and fame after the age of 40. ( If you want to read love or heart line in your palm then click the link and read 13 types of love line.)

7: Sun line start from Venus mount:

Sometimes it happens that the sun line starts from the Venus mount in the hand and reaches the sun mount. This means that these people attract others very quickly.  Even if such people do not work very hard, they still succeed in everything. These people get both wealth and fame from the support of their family. ( Do you want to read millionaire sign in your palm then click the given link and read 10 millionaire signs on your palm.) 

8: Sun line start from the fate line:

Sometimes the sun line starts from the fate line and reaches the sun mount which means that success will be achieved only after a lot of effort and hard work in this life. ( If you want to read fate line in your palm then click the given link and read which type of fate line in your hand.

9: Sun line start from the life line:

If the sun line in your hand starts from the life line and reaches the sun mount, it means that you are very talented and because of this talent you will be very famous all around the world. You will not only be famous but you will also travel all around the world. You will get high position because of your intelligence and you will have both fame and wealth. (Do you want to read life line in your palm then click the given link and read 12 types of life line.)

10: Double and multiple sun line:

If someone has two sun lines in his hand, it means that this person has more than one skill and this person is very intelligent and he has wealth from different businesses.

If any one has more than two sun lines in one's hand, it means that these people are never satisfied with their life. There is no doubt that they have a lot of wealth but they also spend a lot of money and waste it so they do not have savings.

11: Sun line is parallel to fate line:

Some people have a sun line in their hand that is exactly parallel to the fate line which is very deep and straight and reaches the sun mount. There are very few people who have such a sun line in their hands. If someone has such a sun line in his hand, his luck will always support him and he will get both fame and friends in this world. ( Read secrets of palmistry hand )

12: Different signs on sun line (Sun Mount):

  • Island on sun line
  • Cross on sun line
  • Square on sun line
  • Fish on sun line
  • Horizontal line cut on sun line

If there is an island on the sun line, then this sign is not good at all, it means that this person will always have to face many difficulties to achieve success. This is a huge loss of wealth if there is an Island on the sun line. Do you want to read Sudden or unnatural death sign click and read it

If there is a cross on the sun line, then this sign is not good either, it means that this person will suffer a great loss in fame, position, business and wealth.

If a person has a square or rectangle on the sun line in his hand, this sign is very good, it means that this person will suddenly get a lot of wealth. Do you want to check you have God gifted money sign click and read

It is very good to have a fish sign on the sun line and most palmists consider it is very lucky to have this sign on the sun mount.  This means that this person will work in a high position in the government department. Every wish of this man will be fulfilled and he will get fame and wealth in this world.

If someone cuts the horizontal line on the sun line, then this sign is not good either, it means that this person will have to suffer loss in his business.

(If you want to read secrets of fingers on your palm then click the given link and read secrets of fingers.)


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