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Analysis of female hand in palmistry || Palm Reader || Royal palmistry

It is said that the right hand is seen in women and the left hand is seen in men because the right hand belongs to men and fatherhood, and the right hand belongs to women and motherhood. ( click and read secret of palmistry ?  But in Palmistry, the gender has been ignored. The hand that is constantly used belongs to the human future that changes from time to time and after the experience, just as the left hand describes the past events and happenings of the human past. Do you want to read rare and auspicious luck sign in your palm then click it and enjoy to read the amazing signs in your palm also check it whether it is in your hand or not.  There are many types of lines in your palm. Some of which I will explain in this article. I am a palmistry guide and reader so I will guide you with complete details. Sorry if you don't like something but I will guide you on my 15 years of experienc palmistry guide. And in every one of my articles, I will t...

15 Simple But Complete Guide of Marriage Line | Palmistry Guide | Royal Palmistry

Nowadays people of all ages want to know at what age their marriage will take place.  Some people want to know if they will have more than one marriage.  So friends do you also want to know about your marriage/ wedding line?  If yes, so friends you have come to the right place. Do you want to read second marriage line in your hand click the link and read it. 

In this article, I will tell you about 15 types of marriage/ wedding lines.  You also see with your own hands which of these wedding lines is also in your hand.

The wedding line is on the mercury mount between the heart line and the little finger.  There are different types of wedding line of which today I will tell you 15 types.

15 Types of marriage lines

  1. Marriage line near Heart line
  2. Marriage line near little finger
  3. Marriage line touch Sun mount
  4. Marriage line touch Heart line
  5. Straight marriage line
  6. Marriage line touch little finger
  7. Broken marriage line
  8. Island on Marriage line
  9. Marriage line touch mind line
  10. Marriage line touch Venus mount
  11. The vertical line cut marriage line
  12. More than one Dark marriage line
  13. Light and two marriage line
  14. Fork on marriage line
  15. Love marriage

1: Marriage line near Heart line

If the marriage line is close to the heart line, it means that your marriage will be close to the age of 25. If you want to read rare and auspicious luck sign in your hand click the link and read it. 
And if the line is too deep then you will have a happy married life but if the line is light and small then it is not a marriage line it means having an affair with someone before marriage.

2: Marriage line near little finger

If the line of marriage is close to the little finger and very deep, it means that the marriage will take place after the age of 30. If this line of marriage is straight and no one is cutting it, then it indicates a happy married life.  Click and read types of fate line in your hand. 

3: Marriage line touch Sun mount

If a very deep marriage line starts from Mercury Mount and touches Sun Mount, it means the wedding will take place in a rich family.  Name and fame will be found in the line of marriage is deep and no line cuts it and it reaches sun mount no life after marriage will be very happy and there will be no shortage of things. Quick guide of sun line, 12 types of luck or fame line click and read it. 

4: Marriage line touch Heart line

If the line of marriage is bent and reaches the line of the heart or cuts it, then it has three meanings. 

  • Divorced 
  • Partner will die
  • Defamation occurs

5: Straight Marriage line

If the line of marriage is straight and no line is cutting it, then it is considered very good.  If the Mercury Mount is well developed, it is believed that this person will live a very happy life after marriage. 5 good luck sign after marriage, read it in detail. 

6: Marriage line touch little finger

If the line of marriage goes to the little finger, then it is not considered good. This means that the life of this person will not be married and even if he gets married, his partner will die.  Therefore, this line of marriage is not considered good. How to know secret of fingers on palm click and read it. 

7: Broken Marriage line

If the marriage line is broken, it means that there will be quarrels with the partner after marriage.  And these quarrels and differences will lead them to divorce, but after a while, all differences will end, and return to normal life. 13 signs of sudden or unnatural death, click the link and read it. 

8: Island on Marriage Line

It is considered very bad if the wedding line becomes an island.  This means that this person has sex with another person even after marriage.  Due to which this man will face a lot of stigmas and his marital relationship will also be affected. Need 2 minutes to read 8 types of head line click and read it. 

9: Marriage line touch mind line

If the marriage line touches the mind line, it is not considered good at all. This means that the partner will have health issues at all times and they will never be able to live a happy married life.
How to analysis of female hand click and read in detail. 

10: Marriage line touch Venus mount

If the marriage line starts from the mercury mount and reaches the Venus mount, it is not considered good.  This means that the life of such a person will be full of fights all the time after marriage and it is possible that his life partner will be killed at his own hands. Click and read secret of palmistry

11: Vertical lines cut Marriage line

It is considered very bad if the vertical lines cut the marriage line.  It also means that there are always fights in married life.
Do you want to read amazing performance of X sign in your hand click the link and read it. 

12: More than one Dark Marriage line

Anyone wants to know, he will have more than one marriage, he should first see if the marriage line is deep in his hands.  If there is a deep line and it is also more than one then it means there is a chance of having more than one marriage, but if the only one deep line and the rest of the line are light then it means the marriage is the one but affairs are too much. 
Only 5 minutes need to know the 12 types of life lines click the link and read it. 

13: Light and two Marriage lines

If the wedding line is light and more than one, it will not be considered a wedding line.  For example, even if a person gets married at this age of his life, it does not prove to be a successful marriage.  Usually it light lines shows affairs. Do you want to read 13 types of heart or love line click the link and read it. 

14: Fork on Marriage Line

Two types of the fork are formed on the marriage line 

  • At the end of the marriage line
  • At the beginning of the marriage line

If the fork is formed at the end of the marriage line, then it is not considered good at all. This means that the marriage will go well at first but will be divorced later.  It also helps to eliminate the relationship.Do you want to read 9 types of love marriage line click the link and read it. 

If it becomes a fork at the beginning of the marriage line, it is considered very good, which means that married life will last for the rest of one's life. This fork is also very helpful in love marriage.

15: Love marriage

Here I will tell you about different types of love marriage signs on your palm.

  • Fork at the beginning on Marriage Line
  • Straight and long Marriage line 
  • On Sun mount, vertical line touches Heart line
  • V sign on Saturn mount
  • Heart line touch Jupiter mount and at the end fork are formed
  • X sign on Jupiter mount
  • Well-developed Venus mount
  • Line comes to the moon mount and touch faith line

I hope my friends, "Marriage line" article will be very helpful to you.  I have an article in which, I have told you about the billionaire sign. Read this too. I am sure it will be helpful to you.


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