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Analysis of female hand in palmistry || Palm Reader || Royal palmistry

It is said that the right hand is seen in women and the left hand is seen in men because the right hand belongs to men and fatherhood, and the right hand belongs to women and motherhood. ( click and read secret of palmistry ?  But in Palmistry, the gender has been ignored. The hand that is constantly used belongs to the human future that changes from time to time and after the experience, just as the left hand describes the past events and happenings of the human past. Do you want to read rare and auspicious luck sign in your palm then click it and enjoy to read the amazing signs in your palm also check it whether it is in your hand or not.  There are many types of lines in your palm. Some of which I will explain in this article. I am a palmistry guide and reader so I will guide you with complete details. Sorry if you don't like something but I will guide you on my 15 years of experienc palmistry guide. And in every one of my articles, I will t...

How to know the 8 mounts of palm on your hand? | mounts on palm | Royal Palmistry

This question comes to the mind of every human being what will happen in his future? Will he be able to get a good job? Or will he has his own business? He turns to a palmist for answers to these questions. 

Which take a lot of money from you and tell you about your future. But now you don't have to go to a palmist because I will guide you in each of my articles on how you can read your own hand. In this article, I will tell you about hand's mount and what will be the role of these mounts in you life.

Names of mounts on palm:

1: Jupiter mount 

2: Saturn mount 

3: Sun mount

4: Mercury mount

5: Moon mount

6: Venus mount

7: Lower mars

8: Upper mars

1: Jupiter mount

Jupiter mount is the lower part of index finger. The working of Jupiter mount is leadership, legend, God power, authorities, social status, religion, self confidence, and love for the nature. This mount is very helpful and moved the person in his successful life. 

If this mount is prominent its mean that he has the dominated nature, and also has a leadership quality. He has also a social status. They always ready to help others. They don't get disturb under difficult conditions. The best quality of high Jupiter mount is mostly religions minded. 

If the mount of Jupiter is under-developed its mean that they have a smiling face. They are kind at heart. Sometimes they become a selfish. Sometimes it's makes you a cheater. 

2: Saturn mount

Saturn mount is the lower path of middle finger. It is associated qualities such as wisdom , love for philosophy, and discipline. Such person are loved to manage and arrange all the things. 

If the person having well-developed Saturn mount, have Saturn benefits, from mathematics, research, science etc. If the mount of Saturn is fully developed then the person is highly fortunate and rises very high in life with his Own efforts. Person with prominent mount of Saturn are engineers, scientists, chemists, doctor, and businessman. If the mount of Saturn over-developed it represents the person have a good nature and help to others. Such person are also a kind and loves the beauty of nature. 

If the mount of Saturn is flat and yellow its color represents laziness, lack of trust, and aimlessness etc. If this mount is prominent in the hands of cheater and robbers.

3: Sun mount

The mount of Sun is the lower path of ring finger. This mount tells the success of a individual.

If the mount of Sun is well-developed, its means that the person reaches very high status in his life. These person are very cheerful and has many friends. If a person has well-developed mount of Sun, it tells us that person is successful in art, and painting.It is associated with the luck, fame, and entertainment such as music and dance.

If the mount of Sun is under developed then the person would be interested in beauty. And also such person has a lazy mind. Such person would b very proud and flatter. He would b dull minded and foolish fellow.

4: Mercury mount

The mount of Mercury is lower path of litter finger. It is associated with communication skill, senses of business, account, and statistics. 

If people have well developed mount of mercury. This person are found in profession of business, marketing and sales.


A person with greatly developed mount is clearer and crafty. Such person believe in breaking the order. A person with high developed mount is expert in psychology. 

If the mount of mercury is under developed makers a person layer, cheaper and dishonest etc. Such person are passes his life in poverty.

5: Moon mount

It represents the imagination, creative thinking, love for nature, and dreamy nature. It's tell about the mind. They remain in the dreamy world. There are no lack of imagination in his life. 

If it mount is well developed its mean that the person has a strong imagination, creative and dreamy nature. They offended found in musicians, composer, and artists. They makes many plans but don't achieve the plans. They are too emotional.  

If this mount of moon is under developed its indicates constantly change in mind, lack of imagination, and insecurity from some fear.

6: Venus mount

Venus represents sense of beauty, love, romance and physical appearance. 

If this mount of Venus is well developed and pink in color its mean that the person has strong magnetic personality. A person has well developed mount of Venus is can only recognize the world and enjoy it. It's talks about physical stamina, sexual power, love and also marriage status will check from the mount of Venus. If this mount is prominent its mean that the persona has very beautiful and civilized. Such person are very brilliant and handsome. They can easily attracts to the others.

If this mount of Venus is under developed its mean that the is not interested in love relationship or sexual relationship. 

7: Lower mars

It is the lower part of the life line and near to the Venus mount. It is associated with the courage.

If it is well developed its mean that the person has not early discouraged. And also achieved his succeed. Basically this mount indicates the war. A man become courage, fearless and powerful. They are neither cowards not can be subdued. They have a balanced his life. 

8: Upper mars

It is lower area of heart line and near to the moon mount. Upper mars represents the determination, self control and stay ability.

If the upper mar is red in color and more prominent then the person shall reach the greater post and also achieved his goal. 

Friends, I am sure that you will understand the different hand mounts. In each of my articles, I will tell you about some of the pleasures of your hand that you have never heard of before today, and of course this would be very helpful for you.  Now in my coming article, I will show you the sign of wealth hidden in your hand, so don't forget to read that article.


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